Showing from March 7 - March 21 2022
"I’ve always loved art. It is therapeutic to me. It can be an escape, a pause from life and a means to express myself creatively through vivid colours, shapes and movement. I’m still in the process of finding my artistic voice. I don’t need to have it now. I do believe that art can just be. It can just exist for yourself and those who find personal meaning in it.
"Growing" focuses on feminine figures surrounded by brightly coloured flowers, leaves and foliage. Reminiscent of earlier works of tree like femme beings growing outwardly, entangled in vines and blooms. All figures, whether female or not, depict a feminine warmth with soft features and expressions. I have always been interested in drawing people. Especially faces. These works let me explore and play with colours and practise body poses. “Golden Girl” and “Luna” being some of my newest works, really let me express a bright spontaneous feminine energy. I think that comes across in their expressions and bold palettes.
I have always been entranced and inspired by the beauty of people, especially the feminine. Different features, different bodies, moles, curls, scars, under eye bags and more. I wish everyone could see themselves through the eyes of an artist. The wonderful curvature of a pronounced nose. The softness of an imperfectly shaped tummy. Like many artists, I do sometimes get caught up drawing the same types of figures and faces. In my own works going forward, I want to strive to include more diversity, different body types, ethnicities, etc and learn to depict masculine beauty as well, because I want to celebrate them all. They are all beautiful and deserving of admiration."
About the Artist
Savana is a young local artist living and working in Guelph, Ontario. She has been drawing since early childhood and fostered her love of art by painting with watercolours in high school, making little paintings with friends, drawing mini comic book stories and participating in school art exhibitions. She works mostly in watercolours, ink, mixed media and acrylics. More recently, she has started working on some larger scale paintings with acrylics. Faces, femme figures and foliage are some of the main subjects of her art. With a great emphasis on contrasting colour schemes, semi-realism and feminine beauty. Scenes of thriving nature, observing each other and the viewer and diversity are common themes in her work. She plans on expanding her skills by practicing with oil paints, gouache paints, and more mixed medias.
Work Available:
13.1"×9.8", 2020
Watercolour/ mixed media on paper
14"×10", 2020
Watercolour/ink on paper
"Forget Me Not"
14"×10", 2020
Watercolour/ ink on paper
24"x48", 2017
Acrylic on wood panel
"Golden Girl"
24"x18", 2022
Acrylic on canvas
Not for Sale
30"x24", 2022
Acrylic on canvas
"Growing, Intertwined "
19.5"x13", 2018
Ink on paper
24"x18", 2021
Acrylic / dry acrylic peel/ glue/ gel medium on canvas